$SHELL Token Utility

MyShell caters to a diverse ecosystem of users:

- Creators leverage the platform's tools to develop, publish, and monetize their AI applications.

- Consumers access and engage with the AI applications built by Creators on MyShell.

- Patrons identify and support promising AI applications and their creators.

These three distinct user segments interact with the $SHELL token from their respective perspectives, collectively referred to as "users" in this sector.

  1. Membership Fees - Users can pay subscription fees in $SHELL to access premium, higher-quality AI tools or receive direct support.

  2. Advertising – Users can spend $SHELL to advertise AI Apps they create or support, increasing visibility on the MyShell platform.

  3. Collection – Users can collect AI Apps created by others on the MyShell platform by paying in $SHELL, and share in the profits generated during the collection period through $SHELL or other reward mechanisms.

  4. Products/Services Compensation - Users can charge a fee in $SHELL when providing valuable services through AI Apps they create, requiring consumers to pay $SHELL to get access. Alternatively, MyShell team may purchase data from users by paying $SHELL.

  5. Governance Voting - $SHELL holders can participate in governance voting for 1) future value-sharing models and 2) major strategic initiatives within the MyShell ecosystem.

  6. Platform Fees - For the aforementioned activities, MyShell platform may charge a service fee in $SHELL.

Last updated