Code Runner Widget

Widgets in Workshop


Fields besides widget_id and output_name

You can use the widget's 'Copy' button to get a stringified code snippet for code field.


  "id": "code_widget_template",
  "initial": "home_state",
  "states": {
    "home_state": {
      "tasks": [
          "name": "code_widget_example_task",
          "module_type": "AnyWidgetModule",
          "module_config": {
            "widget_id": "1751859390353202447",
            "params": {
              "a": "{{1}}",
              "b": "{{2}}"
            "code": "function main(params) {\n const { a, b } = params;\n const sum = a + b;\n return sum;\n}",  // the text inputted into prompt widget, you can get it from user input or upper state
            "output_name": "result"
      "render": {
        "text": "{{result}}", // it's a string produced by prompt widget.
        "buttons": [
            "content": "Run Again",
            "description": "",
            "on_click": "rerun"
      "transitions": {
        "rerun": "home_state",
        "CHAT": "home_state"

Last updated