
The Transition type can be one of the following:

  • string: In this simplest case, the bot will transition to the provided target state.

  • TransitionCase: The bot will transition to the target state only if the condition is evaluated as true.

The capability for a state to transition to any other state, including itself, hinges on being able to reference a target state, which can be done through either absolute indexing or relative indexing. Here's a bit more detail:

  • Relative Indexing: This method allows navigation amongst states in relation to the current state:

    • sibling refers to another state at the same level as the current one.

    • .child specifies a sub-state of the current state.

    • sibling.child.grandchild indicates a more complex path from a state at the same level to a grandchild state.

  • Absolute Indexing: This approach uses a unique identifier to directly reference any state, regardless of the current state:

    • #id directly points to a state with the specified identifier.

    • #id.child combines the use of an identifier with relative paths to specify a state that is a child of the identified state.

This structure provides great flexibility in the flow control within a bot, permitting intricate navigation across the states depending on the desired bot behavior or user interactions.


Field's NameType (Required/Optional)DescriptionExample


string (Optional)

The target state to which the bot will transition. If not specified, the bot will transition to the current (self) state. Applies to TransitionCase type only.



BoolExpression (Optional)

A condition that must be evaluated as true for the bot to transition to the target state. If not specified, the condition is treated as true. Applies to TransitionCase type only.


Object (Optional)

Specify the value for the inputs of target state. It will override the default value of the input, but not the value of the input.


The bot will evaluate the conditions of each TransitionCase in the given array one by one. It will transition to the target state of the first TransitionCase whose condition is satisfied.

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