Image Text Fuser

Image Text Fuser

Try it in the Widget Center

Click this url to try this widget and copy the Pro Config template.


The widget configuration is specified in JSON format within the config field:

  "template_path": "",
  "font": "Oswald-Regular.ttf",
  "boxes": [
      "text": "some text here",
      "position": [760, 140],
      "size": [390, 230],
      "font_size": 56,
      "font": "Caveat-Regular.ttf"
      "text": "somte other text here",
      "position": [815, 470],
      "size": [415, 200],
      "font_size": 72,
      "font": "KronaOne-Regular.ttf"


  1. template_path: URL of the base image template.

  2. font: Default font for text (e.g., "Oswald-Regular.ttf").

  3. boxes: An array of text and image box configurations.

Text Box Configuration

Each text box in the boxes array can have the following properties:

  • text: Content to be displayed.

  • position: [x, y] coordinates for the top-left corner of the text box.

  • size: [width, height] of the text box.

  • font_size: Size of the font in pixels.

  • font: Specific font for this text box (overrides the default font).

Image Box Configuration

Each image box in the boxes array can have the following properties:

  • image: URL or path of the image to be added.

  • position: [x, y] coordinates for the top-left corner of the image.

  • size: [width, height] to which the image should be resized.


  1. The widget uses the specified template image as a base.

  2. It then overlays text onto this image according to the boxes configuration.

  3. Text content can be dynamically populated using variables (e.g., {{random_text}}, {{context.user_name}}).

Input Parameters




The configuration of the image text fuser

Output Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionFile Type



The url of the output image

Output Example

  "url": ""


  • The supported fonts now: Oswald-Bold.ttf, Oswald-Regular.ttf, KronaOne-Regular.ttf

  • Ensure that all specified fonts are available in the system where the widget is running.

  • The {{random_text}} and {{context.user_name}} placeholders should be replaced with actual values before processing.

  • Adjust text and image box sizes and positions as needed.

  • When configuring this widget in a pro config, the entire config object needs to be written as a single line with proper escape characters. For example:

  "name": "any_module_example_task",
  "module_type": "AnyWidgetModule",
  "module_config": {
    "widget_id": "1812381775823757312",            
    "config": "{\"template_path\": \"\", \"font\": \"Oswald-Regular.ttf\", \"boxes\": [{\"text\": \"some text here\", \"position\": [760,140], \"size\": [390,230], \"font_size\": 56, \"font\": \"Caveat-Regular.ttf\"}, {\"text\": \"some other text here\", \"position\": [815,470], \"size\": [415,200], \"font_size\":72, \"font\": \"KronaOne-Regular.ttf\"}]}",
    "output_name": "output_image"

Last updated