Patron Badge

The Patron Badge is an experimental new feature fostering organic interactions between patrons and AI creators.


Patrons can collect promising AI app badges by spending Shell Coins, earning shared Points in the process. Meanwhile, as their apps gain value, creators receive increased exposure, reputation, and Point rewards.

While not the entire MyShell economic system, the Patron Badge represents our first step into the creator economy. It exemplifies our commitment to building an open economic ecosystem, one that we'll continue refining based on user feedback to pave the way for a comprehensive MyShell economy in the future.

How does Patron Badge work?

If a collector believes an AI app has potential, they can choose to collect its Badge, sharing in Points earned while holding it.

Step 1: Collect

Each Badge of an AI app has an initial price of 10 Shell Coins. The price increases by 10 Shell Coins each time someone new collects it. To prevent wash trading and price manipulation, users can only collect one Badge per hour and collect the same app a maximum of three Badges.

Step 2: Earning

While holding an AI app's Badge, all collectors split 40% of the Points generated when other users interact with the app. The longer the holding period, the more Points collectors accumulate.

Step 3: Return

Upon returning a Badge, the user receives 90% of their original cost refunded, plus the dividend Points accumulated during their holding period. When an early collector returns their Badge, a discounted price spot becomes available for other collectors to acquire.

Last updated